Carlos M. Silva Photography

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A Restaurant Story

"Food is not a handbag; it is about sustenance and survival. It is the ultimate intimacy - you put it in your mouth. You put it in your body." - A Carnivore's Manifesto

There are many stories to be told in the restaurant industry. Stories from immigrants that leave everything to work the dish pit, to the actor who auditions 7 days a week and works 6 nights.

I'm a strong believer that everyone, should work in the service industry at some point in your life. It teaches you humbleness. 

We each had a different conversation but one of the things I asked them was, "what do you love?" Why? Because, I think sometimes we focus so much on what is bad in the current world, that we forget, about Love. Love unites us all and it conquers all things. It makes us sacrifice our everything to achieve greatness and it gives us the strength to move forward.

This is a special post in honor to those that serve, support, cook, clean, operate, shake & stir, and lead. To those those that listen, give advice, love adrenaline, and are humble in spirit. 

Thank you for sharing your story with me. 

