
Reflection Eternal

It was the most intense experience of my life. I saw my wife become superhuman strong and my son, fighting for his life to come into the world. On May 23, Benicio Rene Silva was born.

Although these photos are about Baby Beni, this post is really about my wife, Robin. I'm in extreme awe of her strength! Robin could just possibly be the most gangster woman I know. 

There was a moment where I thought to myself, "Damn, this shit is insane, and I'm about to pass out...get it together!" I doubted for a moment that Robin was going to go through with it and but in my head, I was cheering her on. All I was thinking was "c'mon babe, don't give up", and just as I finished that thought, BOOM, she caught her second wind and here we go! 

I honestly feel that if every man were to witness a live birth, the world would be a different place. And for the single moms that do it every single day, alone, my highest respect to them. A special thank you to Robin's mom for being there and being a strong support for her and for me too.

These photos cannot capture the detail of love I have for Beni. I'm forever grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to be part of something so special. I'm a lucky guy.

To Robin: Thank you for being so amazing.




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